Tuesday leagues
Click on a league below to view team standings and individual statistics.
League Name | Start Time | Lanes |
Honeywell | 5:00 PM | 3-12 |
Hopeful Classics | 7:00 PM | 1-12 |
Tuesday Strikers | 7:00 PM | 15-20 |
All Mixed Up | 7:15 PM | 23-32 |
Suburban Women | 9:15 AM | 5-8 |
Honor Scores for Tuesdays:
Dave Sack | All Mixed Up | Lanes 31 & 32 | 299 Game | 730 Series |
Connor Herman | All Mixed Up | Lanes 27 & 28 | 300 Game | 701 Series |
High Scores for Tuesdays:
Bowler's Name | League | High Game | High Series |
Larry Corbett | All Mixed Up | 265 | 765 |
Alex Vanick | Hopeful Classics | 290 | 759 |
Dave Sack | All Mixed Up | 299 | 730 |
Connor Herman | All Mixed Up | 300 | 701 |
Paul Donlin | Honeywell SSEC | 268 | 678 |
Mike McGovern | Hopeful Classics | 242 | 665 |
John Kumerow | All Mixed Up | 246 | 650 |
Tyler Wolfgram | Honeywell SSEC | 258 | 648 |
Keith A. Steinke | Honeywell SSEC | 279 | 639 |
Bob Higashi | Honeywell SSEC | 247 | 632 |